More selected projects

August 2017

Guilty Pleasures


We wanted to celebrate those summer tracks that we all love, hate and love to hate, our guilty pleasure songs.
Our campaign would promote Halebops summer deal, which featured a water proof wireless speaker. all over Sweden on TV, social media and print.


Guilty Pleasures
Our premier content for the campaign was a variety of dances by ordinary people filmed in an outdoor shoot, to 4 summer track music genres.
These were used all over sweden on digital and still billboards, aswell as on online media channels.

TVC and Radio
To accompany the dancing, we created both a tv ad and several radio ads that played on the same concept of revealing our guilty pleasure soundtracks, with different stories.

Soundtrack to the Summer
The original TVC soundtrack was such a success that we collaborated with its composers to create a full length soundtrack to the summer and released it through Halebops online media channels.

Physical Activation
We also built a large interactive installation, which let people show off their strongest and silliest dance moves. People would compete on how hard they could shake their body as the game's levels got harder and harder. Those that could shake it the hardest in front of our 2.5 metre screen, would get some music gadgets to continue shaking it elsewhere.

The campaign received alot of positive feedback and online chatter as well as a nomination for 100-wattaren award.
And most importantly the speaker deal sold out, meaning we added a bit more twist, shake and guilty pleasure to the world.