More selected projects

January 2014



KFC Russia wanted to give their every day customers a chance to be the star in their commercial for the new iTwister Bacon. To make sure every customer got their chance to audition and show off their skills, we built, The Moviematic. A director, editor, lights and post production all in one fully automated machine controlled by the customers by using a one button arcade style table. 

The customers had to follow simple instructions to create their own commercial video, and from all of the videos, one would be chosen to air live on Russian television. We got hundreds of great videos, with some wacky and fun customers, strutting their stuff.

For example: This one and this one

Customers shared these videos and got their friends to vote, to get them to the top of the popularity list which would then be judged by a panel of bloggers as to who would be in the new commercial. 
The results were very positive, with a +8% hike in sales nationwide at their stores and over 16 million reach in social media from video sharing and blogger coverage.